Episode # 140 – Bill Bestermann MD is an Internist Practicing Preventive Cardiology. Optimal Medical Therapy Protocols Were Blessed by the Validation Institute for Reversing Heart Disease and Savings Tens of Thousands Per Patient.

In this episode Ron chats with Dr. Bill Bestermann. Here, they discuss what Bill considers to be the best practices to provide healthcare. Bill believes if best practices are used and there is a heavier focus more on preventative care it would drastically drive down costs. Bill states that success is going to require a combination of new science, new systems, and a new payment model to involve all the stakeholders. He also discusses intermittent fasting, Metformin, and more.

William H. Bestermann Jr., MD is a board-certified internist who practiced preventive cardiology for 20 years. He has been heavily involved with health care reform and quality improvement during that same period. He wrote the first article on a systematic approach to the metabolic syndrome. He led an advanced cardiometabolic medical home that managed high risk diabetic and hypertensive patients for a Fortune 100 company in Tennessee. He was a Senior Clinical Advisor for the Quality Blue Primary Care program at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana. That initiative saved $27 pmpm net at the 1 year mark while reducing hospitalizations, length of stay, and specialty referrals. He is currently the President and Chief Medical Officer at Epigenex Health Inc.

Dr. Bestermann’s core expertise is around a comprehensive solution for chronic cardiometabolic condition management that improves health and saves money. Most quality improvement and healthcare reform efforts do not achieve those goals because they are only partial solutions. Success requires a combination of new science, new systems, and new payment models combined with multiple stakeholder involvement.

Bill speaks on clinical quality improvement, lowering healthcare costs, healthy life extension, and important new developments in the molecular medical management of chronic disease. He has written articles for multiple medical journals and blogs.

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