Episode # 103 – Brianna Greenspan is a Medical Miracle and is That for 1000’s of Others with Rare Conditions. Hear What She Did to Go from Wheelchair to Fully Functional.

In this episode Ron chats with Brianna Greenspan, Genetics Consultant at Gene By Gene & Co-Author of “Miracle Morning Art of Affirmations”. Brianna has lived her whole life with a rare chronic illness that was not diagnosed until she was an adult. Here, she shares her deeply personal story of growing up with the illness and her path to having it diagnosed. She also talks about what did and did not work along the way and how difficult this trial-and-error process can be for people suffering from a rare illness. This experience has turned her in to a champion and resource for others who are in the position she was. She has dedicated her life to bringing joy to those around her. Brianna even shares the touching story of how she ended up meeting her husband.

Brianna Greenspan was born with a chronic illness that went undiagnosed until her 20’s. Defying the logic of doctors and the temptation to be a victim, Brianna has dedicated her life to healing herself while empowering others to take ownership over their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Brianna’s health journey sparked her thirst for knowledge in neuroscience, mindfulness, permaculture, appreciative inquiry facilitation, ancient healing methods and habit stacking to increase vibrational frequencies. She is also the co-author of multiple books including one with the Miracle Morning series. Her life’s work is centered around using her superpower as a master connector to facilitate all the good she can in collaborative settings to uplift global wellbeing mainly focused in medical genetics and education.

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